Jan 29, 2009

See ya later, GFXing!

My computer (from now on, i'll call it CoolMachine-Server or CM-SERVER, my 5610 called CoolMachine-Client00 or CM-CLIENT00, My bro's SE W950i CM-CLIENT01, My sis' N95 CM-CLIENT02)
Is reformatted, i format it As Soon As i backup my Documents, but stupidly, I FORGOT TO BACKUP MY PHOTOSHOP BRUSHES! ****!
Sorry CM-SERVER, looks like i must stop GFXing with you as my good ol' CM_SERVER...
I'm really bad at using c4ds, that's the reason why i gave up... Maybe i'll be a GFXer again sooner... Or later... I will missya Photoshop CS3!!!


  1. omg omg.. sabar dud.. :(
    yah.. itung2 waktunya buat belajar UN dl dh.

  2. tetep aja sayang :((


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